Frontier has many amazing and unique opportunities for students to learn and expand their mastery of a wide range of subjects and interests. In fact, one of those many clubs helps make this monthly newspaper possible: the Journalism Club! Journalism Club as well as all the other clubs mentioned are looking for more student involvement and aim to make our school one of diverse interests.
Photo Club is run by Mr. Merrick and co-advised by senior Tyler Wolkowicz. They typically meet in Mr. Merrick’s room across the hall from the LMC. They aim to create a relaxing, low-key environment that welcomes veteran and beginner photographers. Senior members of Photo Club are also serving as mentors for beginning photographers. Photo Club goes on many field trips to different locations, such as Easthampton and Sugarloaf Mountain, to give you real-world experience in photography. If you are interested or if you have questions, please contact Mr. Merrick at jesse.merrick@frsu38.org or go visit him in his room during the school day.
Bike Club is a club focused on the promotion of using bikes as a mode of transportation and popularizing them among students. It is run by Mr. Tebbetts, and they will be offering a bike safety and maintenance program on Saturday, October 5, from 10 AM to noon in the Frontier front parking lot, and is geared towards 7th and 8th graders, although everyone is welcome. Snacks will be provided and the day will focus mostly on bike repair and maintenance, while also touching on how various bike safety techniques. Bike Club will also be pushing to create a Frontier Bike Road-Racing team in the future. If you are interested in either of these topics, please contact Mr. Tebbetts at charles.tebbetts@frsu38.org and show up to their meeting on October 5th.
As we move further into the school year, we also move closer to music performances, such as the coffeehouse and concerts. Performances happening in the coming month include the Fall Coffeehouse/Open Mic on Thursday, October 24, from 6 to 8 PM, and the Fall Concert on Tuesday, October 29, from 6 to 8 PM. The coffeehouse is a great opportunity for students to showcase their music-related talents, which can range from singing to playing an instrument to playing with your friends in a band. The coffeehouses feature the Jazz Ensemble, the Chorus, and the High School Modern Band, although anyone is welcome, and encouraged, to perform. If you are interested in performing, there will be a sign-up sheet put up outside the music hallway. The concerts are more geared towards classical/soundtrack pieces and involve larger ensembles. They will involve the Middle and High School String Orchestra and Concert Band. If you are interested in performing as a soloist in the Fall Concert or any upcoming concerts, please contact Mr. Sherrill at max.sherrill@frsu38.org. The last fall performance by the music department will be the 16th Annual Music Telethon, which will be held on November 20, from 6 to 9 PM. This live-streamed performance will include all the musicians from the Fall Coffeehouse and Fall Concert, as well as others who are interested in signing up. All of these performances are free to get into, but donations are encouraged to help support our diverse musical programs here at Frontier.
If you enjoy sports, videography, or are interested in helping out your community, FCAT Media is a great place for student volunteers to expand their skill set. They film and live-stream over a hundred different sporting events a year, and also film community events such as Frontier’s theater productions, the Telethon, and many other local events. The doors are always open for new volunteers who are interested in joining. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Mr. Kevin Murphy at kevin.murphy@frsu38.org.
As Schools Match Wits is a club run by Mrs. Chapley, which meets most Tuesdays in her room, A314. ASMW is a trivia team that competes on the locally televised high school competition during the winter. They also compete in other matches, and last year they traveled out to Chicago for the Small Schools Nationals Competition. Grades 7-12 are welcome, and it is not mandatory to be a part of the team that is filmed for the televised competition. So if you enjoy trivia, please contact Mrs. Chapley at stacey.chapley@frsu38.org.
There are many other clubs you can join, such as Art Club, Environmental Club, Ping Pong Club, Jazz Band, Modern Band, Esports Club, French Club, Spanish Club, and Feminist Club. You can even make your own club if you’d like to. We hope you consider taking part in some of the extracurriculars we’ve mentioned.