Harry Wright

A recent article published in the Amherst Regional Highschool´s student newspaper, ¨The Graphic¨ has led to protests against injustices within the school system. The article detailed how three guidance counselors at Amherst Regional Middle School were consistently misgendering their students and enabling homophobia.

Jacob Laney, an 18-year-old senior at Amherst High School re-counted the traumatic events that were occurring in Amherst Regional Middle School. The middle school which refused to discipline those who displayed actions of homophobia and transphobia enabled severe bullying of their students.

Laney informed me how one child was even hospitalized for the PTSD they experienced. He went on to explain how nepotism was leading the actions of the faculty of ARMS. With the accused faculty share tight social connections, leading many to wonder about the credibility of the hiring process for positions at ARMS. As a result, many parents and students decided to unenroll from the school to protect themselves and their children through homeschooling. At this time, three guidance counselors have been put on leave at

ARMs as well as the assistant superintendent taking voluntary leave. We applaud Laney and his fellow peers who were able to bring light to the situation, which resulted in steps towards positive change.