Chris Penza

Catch the Tempest, on Dec. 2 at 7 pm, Dec. 3 at 7 pm, and Dec. 4 at 2 pm. These will be the dates on which the Frontier Theatre Ensemble performs the Shakespearean classic, The Tempest. The lead will be Emily Woods, who will portray Prospero. The story itself mainly takes place on an unknown Mediterranean island. Prospero used to be a duke in Milan, a city in Italy and was overthrown by his brother and others who plotted against him. Prospero who is also a sorcerer was exiled to an island with nobody to keep him company but spirits. He was perceived dead by everyone, but after 12 years a ship passes by. This ship happens to be full of all the people who overthrew him a decade earlier. He conjures a tempest that knocks everyone on the ship to his island, and the play follows Prospero’s journey of revenge. It has action, comedy, emotional scenes, happy scenes, and everything in between.

Compared to their last show, this one was described as going much smoother, due to many positive changes made. Members of the community, not just students were volunteering to build sets, and help after school. Additionally, this will be many members of the theatre’s first play, and a lot of people’s first time leading or being a supporting lead, so it’s important to support them and see what they can do. If you’re worried about the money, it’s very cheap at $8 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. If you took Mr. Didonna’s class this year, you may also want to see the theater’s take on the story. And if you have nothing else going on that weekend, why not?

“The set is going to be amazing, and everyone is great at acting, we’re excited because we’ve put a lot of time and effort into this.” -Emily Woods (Prospero, former duke of Milan)

“People at Frontier who want to witness what we’ve been doing since the beginning of the year, because we in the words of Charles Tebbetts are making culture.” -Patrice Moriarty (Gonzalo, councilor to Alonso/friend of Prospero)

“It’s such a cool experience to be immersed in what’s going on on stage, or in the theater or any other form of entertainment, and that’s what I think we did a really good job doing.” -Mason Smith (Sebastion, brother to Alonso)

“Anyone of all ages can enjoy the mischief of Prospero and his plans to hurt everyone.“ -Sofia Hebert (Miranda, daughter of Prospero)

“It’s gonna be a performance, so you should go see it.” – Kate DeMaio (Juno, Goddess of Marriage)

“Are you going?” “Yes I am.” -Gabby Adams (Junior Class President)