By Joe Thomson
On Saturday, October 26th, the PVIAC (Pioneer Valley Interscholastic Athletic Conference)
cross country championships took place at Stanley Park in Westfield, MA. Gehrig Brynda took the top spot for the Redhawks, finishing with a time of 17:20, placing 31st overall. Brett Robinson took second place for the hawks, with a time of 18:35, Kai Sharp took 3rd (18:37), and Patrick Boyden finished fourth (18:42). The Redhawks had a very successful season, taking the league championship title. Captain Brett Robinson comments on the hawks this year:“It was an unexpectedly good season, we won the league for the fifth time in a row, and we’ll be attempting to make states for the fifth year in a row with a strong performance this Saturday at Western Mass.” The Hawk’s varsity will be running again this Saturday at Northfield Mountain.