By Gian DiDonna
It’s time again for us to come together to elicit imagery and emotion, rhythm and rapture! The annual
Poetry Slam is upon us and it is scheduled to take place imagery and 14
to this event, as do many of the faculty members. In the past, poems have evoked humor, irony,
bravery, and in many cases just sheer brilliance. There are so many topics students can choose to write
about and a multitude of themes. Further, keep in mind, that in the Slam we score performance as well
as the content of the poem. Theatricality and musicality count! This is what makes a slam different from
a poetry reading! It’s a competition! It is important that anyone who feels they have something share in
this event be supported fully, and encouraged to deliver their own brand of this thing we call poetry.
Again, each poet is judged by the audience of their peers aswell as a team of faculty judges.
By the time you read this, a sign-up sheet will have been posted in the LMC. In general , 12 spots are all
that can be allotted due to time restraints. Also, Mr. DiDonna will need to see the poems you’ll be
entering no later than December
Each student must submit two poems as there are two rounds. In the first round, each student will have
a turn. In the second round, the three finalists will present a different poem than the one they
performed in the first round. Failure to have two poems will result in disqualification.
Again, the rules remain simple and clear: make sure your content is high school appropriate, be
respectful of all participants, and under no circumstances should another student be called out in any
poem that is entered.
The key here is to be original and to make it a good time!