by Johnathan Creque


The 2018 midterm elections are just around the corner. On November 6th millions of people will go out to vote for the candidates of their choice. Despite this, many young people who are of the age to vote, won’t for many reasons. Statistically, young people 18-24 tend to vote at much lower rates than other age demographics, especially when it is a midterm election and not a presidential election. Young people consistently vote less, but that needs to change. Registering to vote in the state of Massachusetts is quick and easy. Students who are 18 by October 16th, can register and then vote in the upcoming elections on November 6th. Even students who are 17 can pre-register. They can’t vote in the November 6th elections, but they will be ready for the 2020 Presidential election. According to Drew DeSilver on Pew Research, people vote less during midterm elections because they are viewed as being less important than presidential elections.

This is completely false because the Congress is just as important as the president, and people’s lack of voting is the reason that we have so many representatives in the government that large portions of the people don’t agree with, politically. This year is incredibly important, and political analysts have called the upcoming elections a referendum on President Trump. The Congress in both the Senate and the House is currently controlled by the Republican party by a very slim majority. This election will decide whether the Democrats will take control of one, or both houses of Congress, or if the Republicans will keep their majority.

Our faculty member Ms.Moore said, “ Midterm elections are more important, and this election, in my opinion, is the most important so far in my lifetime”.

People can complain about the government all they want, but unless they do something nothing will change. Students, in particular, need to vote, in every election. The laws that are passed today will affect us for a much larger portion of our lives. hy is it then that the older people get, the more they vote. We all have a voice and that should be heard. Every vote does matter if millions of people all think that their vote is meaningless then that adds up and directly affects the outcome of the elections.  It is our civic duty to vote, otherwise, we don’t have any say in the government that directly influences every aspect of our lives. Any students who are 18 or will be 18 by October 16th, who would like to register to vote can stop by Room A202 and Ms.Moore will help you register.