A Collaborative Exposé
Every year the Frontier Drama Club, accompanied by glorified figurehead Mr. Peck, stages a fall
production that glowing parents have deemed “second to none.” The plays may change, but the process is
the same, as Mr. Peck chooses a show that he feels will suit his talented cast and tireless crew. This year
that show is George Orwell’s seminal classic 1984.
I had the great pleasure of sitting down with the man some have called “wildly egotistical,” and
“generally caustic,” to ask him about his choice of this show for the 2018 fall season.
“I chose this piece because I felt it was extremely relevant to this day and age,” Mr. Peck begins,
his regal features composed in a expression that enhances his sensitive and kindly nature, which is of
course tinged with a smidge of self importance. “I also try to find shows that will showcase the talents of
my students. For instance we have some seniors who are very much suited to the roles called for in this
Some may remember other shows produced by the Drama Club, including several student written
efforts and a mix of the comic and the dramatic. Most people remember their comic endeavors including
The Odd Couple and Play On, but Peck is quick to point out that the last few years have involved shows
that also had a more serious tone.
“A lot of the time I take my lead from the students, and what their interests are. For instance one
year our students really wanted to do a show with some gravitas, and that led us to doing 12 Angry Jurors.
Just as with 1984, that show had a decent showcase for the acting talent of the cast.”
Just because this is another somewhat solemn show, Peck does not rule out doing a few more
comedies down the road. “I feel most at home in the realm of the comedic,” the very funny fellow adds,
“but I also feel that I want to produce shows that give the audience something to think about.”
1984 certainly does that. Written by George Orwell in the 1940’s, 1984 tells of a future where
everyone is monitored at all times by the “inner party.” Big Brother, a seemingly omniscient and
omnipresent symbol for the party is put on display on posters and “vidscreens” throughout the fictitious
world of “Oceania,” made up of what were once the continents of North America, Australia, and the
country of Great Britain. In all this, Winston Smith and his lover Julia decide try to make a life for
themselves outside of the watchful eye of Big Brother.
“It is a great bit of social commentary,” Peck says, his sensitivity showing through in his
luminescent green eyes. “We are seeing a bit of the all knowing, all watching agency in our current
situation. With companies keeping tabs on our every online move, and the idea of “fake news,” it is
almost as if Orwell’s story was more prophecy than simple prose.”
Performances for 1984 will take place December 7th and 8th at 7 p.m. and December 9th at 2.
Admission is five dollars for everyone. Children 5 and under are free.
“I am really hoping that we can spark some debate and make people think with this show,” Peck
concludes with a Puckish grin. “If just one person leaves the theater scratching their heads and talking
about it, then my students and I have done our job.”