By Billy Prunier

Oh Frontier, where do I begin? Senior year is the year for lasts; last halftime show for Friday night football games, last band concert, last ski race, last time walking the halls as a Red Hawk. As senior year dwindles away, my excitement for the future does not. One more semester to go and I am off to the real world.  

Looking back on my years at Frontier Regional, they have brought the greatest joy a student could have. One of the greatest joys was being a part of the music department. For four years, the music department was under the direction of Karen Atherton, her drive for music excellence is what inspired me to continue my music career. My last two years of participating in band, I couldn’t have asked for a more professional conductor, music teacher, and an inspiration: Mr. Max Sherrill. It feels though I’ve known him my whole life. Band has been my second home for the last six years and it will truly sadden me when I won’t be seeing my second family everyday.

Throughout my career as a Red Hawk, I made great friends and memories that will last a lifetime. I couldn’t have gone through high school though if it wasn’t for my best friend Tsedon Tenzin. She has been with me through the thick and thin of high and middle schools. I know this sounds like a cliche, but I wouldn’t be the person who I am today without her unabiding love, friendship, and charismatic nature. Tenzin has been the greatest influence on me for the last six years and I hope it lasts for eternity. I just want to say thank you for having me grow to the confident person I am today. “Dhanyavaad”, “thank you”.

Jo Ann, my friend of fine designer bags, thank you for putting up with me starting in middle school. You have been my inspiration to live being my true and authentic self, and that I say thank you. Once graduation comes and goes, I hope to have weekly bingo adventures, New York City getaways, and even European adventures that will last a lifetime. I’m going to miss going to Italy and Switzerland with you in April but I will remember the good ole’ times we had in Freshman year when we gave it our all roaming around the alleyways of Venice and designer window shopping at Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, and Chanel just to name a few. Thank you again for being my mentor and being there for me when I needed you. You are one of the most influential people I have met during my time here at Frontier. Hit me up when you want to go to the outlet malls and shop till we drop!

Mrs. Nelson, you have made my love of travel an addiction. I know I’ve never taken your Latin classes, but when I heard that you were organizing a trip to Italy, I couldn’t resist. From that point forward, my love for European travel, especially to Italy become more and more of a want instead of a wish. I want to also express my thanks to you for choosing me to be the Student Trip Embassador for the upcoming trip. I am excited for what is to come and hope to keep in touch when planning the next European getaway! Thank you for making world history a true reality; Mozart’s apartment in Venice, The Uffizi Gallery in Florence to see Leonardo da Vinci’s The Annunciation, and visiting Pompeii. “Grazie”.

My time here at Frontier Regional has been full of ups and downs, but it is crazy to think that in the span of five months, it’s all going to be done. Frontier has been my home for the last six years, a third of my life, come June 2nd, it’s time to go, leave the nest for better things and greater experiences.