As summer nights turn to crisp fall mornings, there’s only one thing on everyone’s mind; when do fall sports have their games and meets? Recently, senior Aaron Dorshow spoke to the Red Hawk Report about being the captain of the boys cross country team. Aaron talks about the team’s biggest meet and saying goodbye to seniors and gaining twice as many new members in the 2016 season. The Hawks played against Mohawk and had their biggest meet on September 20th. The Hawks lost four seniors who graduated in June of 2016. In the new school year, James Zeoli, Owen Zinn- Keane, Thomas Alber, Ewan Bennett, Christopher LaBarbera, Jake Meier, and Andy Paul are the newest members of the team and the future of the cross country Hawks. With an overall record of 9-0, the Hawks are on their way to an undefeated season coached by Mr. Flynn. By taking two AP courses, Aaron still finds time for sports and other extracurricular activities by putting school first and making sure he’s not overfilling his plate as he finds time to balance everything. With perseverance and hard work, the boys will be league champions for the second year in a row and get first place in their Regional Meet in November.